How to Leverage Human Design for Improved Decision-Making
Before learning about human design, I didn’t trust my intuition. In a world where logical thinking was on a pedestal, I didn’t even know what intuition was. As someone with many Scorpio placements (highly intuitive), you could imagine how misguided I was 😅. I made decisions out of alignment and it led me to doing things that were not true to me. I went into the wrong relationships and wasted my time and energy pursuing the wrong things. I was not aware of this aspect of myself, so whatever I felt in my body, I would just ignore the signals!
In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with information and choices, it can be difficult to know how to make the most authentic and fulfilling decisions for ourselves. Once I learned about human design, I had lightbulb moments where I saw my life so clearly and how I missed so many signs from my higher source. Once I overcame the regret, grief of what could’ve been, and resistance to my design, I allowed myself to utilize human design for its gift of allowing me to have radical self-acceptance. One of the most important aspects of Human design is that it offers a solid approach on how to navigate decision-making.
What is Human Design?
Human design is a powerful system that combines astrology, the I-Ching, and the Kabbalah to create your unique soul blueprint. It can be used to recognize your strengths and weaknesses, where you’re vulnerable to conditioning, your optimum decision-making style, what motivates you, and so much more. Human design can be used to recognize how to use your energy efficiently so you can prevent burnout and exhaustion. It can also be used to guide your decisions by showing you how you tune into your intuition and your best interest.
How can Human Design help you make better decisions?
One of the most valuable insights Human Design provides is how to understand your authority. Your intuition is the higher source (the Universe, God, Goddesses, etc, you may choose whatever to call this), and your inner authority is the way you access it. A helpful way to think about it is: your intuition is the wall outlet that a wire is plugged into and the wire is your inner authority.
Phone represents your Authority and wire represents your Intuition
This is the part of you that knows what is right for you, regardless of what others think or say. When you’re making decisions from your authority, these decisions are correct for you, there’s less second-guessing. With continued trust in this part of you, there is confidence and peace in making decisions.
Why is this useful?
Authority is useful because you may have realized that your mind is not the most reliable source for decision-making. The mind is influenced by conditioning and fears and it can be very convincing as talking us out of doing the things that are correct for us. When we’re in tune with your authority, it helps bypass the mind to arrive at our truth and alignment.
What are the different authorities? A very short overview, from most to least common:
Emotional Authority
This is the most common. Folks with this authority need to ride the emotional wave. Feel what the decision is on an emotional high, low, and neutral. Usually, once you’re at an emotionally neutral place, your decision in this place leads to your truth.
Sacral authority
This is your gut response, gut feeling. Sometimes folks with this can feel it in their gut what the right decision is. Other times, there’s an auditory “ah-huh” for yes and “uhn-un” for no. Some of my clients experience both.
Splenic authority
Intuitive or instinctive hits of knowing in the moment. Your truth is in the now, the present. I have a splenic authority and for me, it’s important to tune into what a “yes” and “no” feels like in my body.
Ego authority
Listen to what you say out loud to reach your clarity and truth. Your voice leads you to your truth, and you follow.
See and feel if you have the will to do something or not. Your decision will feel like you’re more yourself and give you an opportunity for self-expression. Ask yourself, “Do I have the will to do this? What do I want? What’s in it for me?”
Self-Projected Authority
Listen to what you have to say by speaking out loud, this will lead you to your truth. You may ask yourself questions such as “Will this make me happy? Will this give me self-expression? Am I heading in the right direction for me?” Specifically, your truth will guide you towards joy and pleasure.
Mental/No Authority
Assess if a decision or outcome will put you in the right environment, and then talk it out loud with a trusted advisor to hear your truth become clearer.
Lunar Authority
Using a full lunar cycle of 29.5 days to feel a decision out before making big decisions
Now, at this point, you might be wondering what your authority is. After reading, you may have a clue which one you are already. If you’d like to look up your chart, you can get your free chart here.
By understanding and working with your Human Design, you can learn to make decisions that are aligned with your true self. This can lead to a greater sense of peace, clarity, and well-being in all areas of your life.
I hope this blog post has given you a helpful introduction to Human Design, how powerful of a system it can be, and how it can be used for improved decision-making!
If you’re interested in integrating human design into your life, I love integrating your soul blueprint into coaching to help you live and carry out your soul’s blueprint. I invite you to book your complimentary coaching session today to explore how human design and life coaching can help you learn to trust your intuition, boost your energy, and live a life aligned with your purpose.