2024 in Review: A Year of Subtle Growth and Big Lessons

I wanted to share my 2024 highlights because waking up this morning, my husband was reading someone’s post about increasing their followers in the hundreds of thousands and how she did it…

That’s wonderful if thats her goal!

AND, I was inspired to share mine because I’m guessing there are and will be lots of posts like that during this time of year. So I wanted to share mine that may be similar to yours.

Like for some of us, just getting through 2024 is GREAT ENOUGH and deserves applause.

And some of us grew in unseen and invisible ways to many people. In 2024, if you’re growing more on a subtle level where no one may notice except for you, it’s still all good and that deserves a 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

In 2024

  • I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and prescribed antidepressants. Fortunately, the first one worked out well for me and it’s still working out well for me ❤️‍🩹

  • Renzo, one of my cats, nearly died, had an ER visit, and was diagnosed with urethra blockage. Luckily, he’s doing well now with his new prescription diet. But he scared us!!

  • Both of my cats suffered from chin acne. Esty required antibiotics, and steroids.. not sure if it helped or if it was just time.

  • I continued my pole journey and am getting stronger 💪🏼

  • I expanded my capacity to work as a podiatrist and added on more days. I used to think I could only do 2 days max per week, but I’m feeling quite proud I can work 3-4 days a week now. I did this by having more energetic boundaries (thanks to putting the PQ program into practice tbh).

  • I realized building a bizz on the side the way most people teach is not for me (niche, ideal client avatar, irresistible offer, etc 🤮). It fits and works for others AND I’m okay with it not being for me. It doesn’t say anything about me. This was so liberating for me to realize and accept.

  • That being said, I have my couple clients I’m committed to (like I’m able to joyfully send them bday gifts and stuff because I have capacity) and I run group coaching programs when I feel like it (aka I have the energy, I’m excited, and I’m ready)

  • I stopped teaching yoga regularly. I’m still trying to figure out what my practice is. Prioritizing my practice first (filling my own cup up first)

  • I volunteered for orgs in Oakland I resonate with (like AAPI Women Lead and girls Inc)

  • I did some domestic traveling - LA, Seattle, Vancouver, Canada

  • I went on an epic outdoorsy trip to Patagonia - Chile and Argentina side. I drank water from a stream unfiltered for the fire time and it’s the best water I’ve ever had. I love nature!

  • I attended protests for a Free Palestine, called and wrote to my elected officials, purchased and received gifts from Palestinians, received gift donations for my bday and Christmas for Palestine

2025 is probably the first year in a long time where I don’t have any personal growth goals… I just want to continue on the same way I’ve been continuing in 2024.

My husband did ask me if I’d be happy if I were to die now. And I genuinely would.

The difference is that I speak up for my needs. I don’t have as much shame as I did before for having them. I seek help when I need it. I’m not striving, seeking, or searching for anything.

I’ve stopped or at least I do this less - idealizing reality and how it should be. I accept reality for what it is.

I feel pretty content and happy with life as it is now (on a personal - me, myself, and I - level).

If I start to think about the world and its issues, then we got a lot of work to do. But I’ve realized over the years that it’s not all on me.

Everyone needs to do their part in the issues they care about. And the people who are slacking, hoarding, and greedy, are the people high up top.

We need to band together to hold them accountable to the ways they’re destroying the planet, our home.

I also want people who CARE to get filthy rich and people power also works (just look at the schools divesting because students camped out for a free Palestine). There’s a place for everyone in social justice.

Okay so I guess I do have goals, but just not a full page as previous years 😅.

My 2025 Intentions

  • Start a family

  • Volunteer more

  • Get back to my pre-Asia trip weight (please don’t comment on this - just know that I no longer fit my loose pants)

  • Donate

  • Continue being involved in social justice issues I care about in a sustainable way

  • Continue doing the things I love - pole, moving my body in new ways, hiking

  • Be on survivor (the only one that’s not so much in my control) 🤞🏽

Wishing you happy holidays and a happy new year. I’ll still be here for you in 2025 🥰. Sending you love, abundance, and many blessings!


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